This is a game that I with the help of the tutors created on Microsoft Makecode Arcade. While making the code, I found it fun to test it to see if it worked the way it should. Coding, which was overall quite new, did challenge me in some parts. At first we were given the time to create our background which included platforms, rewards and dangers for our sprite. That part wasn't challenging but at first I was sort of lost because I had very few experiences playing those types of games but I got a idea of what I am meant to create from the Mario Game. When coding, you have to be very specific so that your are not missing anything out. Making rewards improve the score and dangers lowering hearts was a challenge. Whenever I finished doing doing a main part of coding, I would replay my game to check if it works how I want it to. After finishing, I was incredibly proud of my work mainly because I never thought that I would get to create my own game. To play my game Click Here. What is something that you think I can improve on to make my game better?